Monday, July 25, 2011


hahaha Soooooooooooooooooooo I finally cleaned up my place a little bit this weekend.  Per request, I am going to show you the before and after... lol

Before clean up (hurricane hit my living room, lol I have cleaned up lots clothes from the sofa already)

Looks pretty good, no? :)

So... Yeah I have been pretty darn lazy lately.  I should start getting back to blog again.  So let see what I did this weekend.. hmmmmm

Let's start from Friday night.  Got home from work, I was going to head down to the mall and get a couple things from Nordstrom, since they are having their little anniversary sale.  I have found a couple things there the week earlier, but I didn't get them lol  (my motto is, if they sold the item out, that means that item is not meant to be with me. Or something like that :p)  lol but anyhow, so on Friday afternoon, I called them, and wanted to do an inventory check before I go.  (well, I also did the check online first lol, cause you can set it to pick up at store.)  Anyway, it took me like 4 calls to finally get a person to answer and check for me.  But both items were sold out at the mall that I was going to go.  So... I was not very happy.  lol  But anyway, so my uncle called me later the day, and asked me if I want to go walk around on Saturday.  I said why not?  So we went.

Same schedule as usual, went over to my uncle's place around 12:15.  My great aunt made me breakfast that day.  So we ate, then head to ... yap, Costco.  lol  ALWAYSsssssssssssssssss.   hahah  Berry smoothie again.  Just love it!!!  Got my watch at that trip finally.  haha  I have been looking at it for ummmm couple months now?  AND they still have not sold it out, that means it destiny to be with me.  lol (or just no one wants it............... (>.<'')  anyhow, I like that watch.  (you will see it on the pic below. hehe)  I was gonna get another pair of CK jeans there.  They are not normal blue jeans, they are bit different.  I had bought a pair of black ones from them before.  But now, they have them on sale again for only 10 bucks!!!  How can I not?  But I ended up didn't get it, cause the stupid thing is not updated or they have it wrong at the sign or w/e...  They wanted 15 bucks for them.  lol  So I gave up :p  That's all for our Costco trip of the day. lol

Then we head over to Bellevue mall after that.  Yap, usual places.  Macy's first.  Got one sleep wear t-shirt and a CK short sleeve shirt.  It's a WHITE one... hahaha My uncle got a sleep shirt from there as well.  That's about all we got from Macy's that day. lol SOoooooooooo not much stuff.  :p  Next stop, Nordstrom.  Since I have called to check on Friday, I was only going to get Acqua Di Gio from there.  BUT when I get there, I found the Light Blue there too!!!!!  That person lied to me??  lol  I donno... But since they have it there again, that means I have to get it too!! rite?!  lol  So ya, I walked out from there with two things.  Yap, I did not get the jacket NOR the shoes... hahah  So proud of myself  :D  LOL

I really blown a lot of money away this weekend.... lol  Part of it is for a little reward for myself.  Another is to thank the help from my family.  hehe  So on Sunday, took the kids and grandma and great aunt out to lunch.  We went to have Pho first.  While we were there, my uncle and aunt happened to came to the same place too lol  When I go pick my great aunt up, they were not up yet.  So we got done earlier and left before they are done.  I picked up their check as well.  lol Cause usually my uncle buys me alllllll the time.  Anyhow, we went shopping after that.  We went to Costco got some groceries, then went to Target got some undies and bike helmet for the kids.  That's about all the shopping we did today lol

Later the day, I took the whole family out to The Old Spaghetti factory for dinner.  It was fun.  That place is pretty nice.  That's about it....... lol

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

haha alright, I will do the Fill in the Blank Friday today. lol Totally don't feel like working at all today.  I think not many people around today neither.  Don't think they were expecting lots around neither lol  Cause the cafeteria is on limited service today too. hehe

So July has started, totally failed my diet gold for the second quarter... Yeah... failed.  lol  I will try to get it done this quarter!!!

1. The best news I ever received was:  hmmm... maybe when I got the job? I donno haha  My life is pretty plain most of the times.  But getting the job definary one of the good news.  Hate job hunting, and hate being asked if have jobs already blabhalhbhalbh etc etc etc.  I really don't like compared with others on what jobs they have, but that's what parents and relatives do at times.  I guess they were not at bad intentions, but those talks just not very nice hahaha and can and will put pressure on their kids.  Well, I guess I would be like that if I am a parent as well.... But well, try to not over do it :p  LOL  (got side tracked... )

2. Something I'm looking forward to is:  this weekend?  lol  Johnny and bunch of his friends are coming up here for the long weekend.  I think it will be pretty fun.  They are gonna stay Saturday night and leave Sunday night I believe.  I will try to blog about the weekend... If I am not too lazy.  LOL

3. Something I would never do:  smoking. (have to steal it from Diana too hahaha)  Well, I was gonna say I can't stand it... But when we go to the casino, there are quite a bit of smoke there... so I can't say that lol But I would totally avoid it if I can.  They can make me cough when I walk by at the street already.  But yeah, no smoking!

4. If I could choose someone to be my life coach (famous or not, life or dead) I'd choose: hmmmmm no clue.  LOL  Don't know enough people to make that choice.  hahaha Side track for a bit, so I have been reading many posts on the Chinese Twitter Ripoff site lately.  One of them are all about blood type and stuff.  Apparently, I do not care anything that doesn't have much to do with me.  So maybe it's true for me?  (ummm does that even make sense? lol)

5. If I had to put a label on my style it would be: um donno much about styling.  I will try that once I have lost some fat.... haha

6. One should always: respect others?  Probably have to be build on mutual respect.  I meant if someone keep flicking booger at you, you don't have to respect it as much, don't you think? :) Well, I meant, I still respect that guy, I am not like a total ass or whatever, I just get angry at some stupid questions at time.  Stupid questions, and I really meant it!

7. I want to: lose weight.  Yes, I am too fat.  Totally need to work on that.  LOL

Okay, just about to submit the post, did spelling check, is it ect or etc??!?!?!  I like never know what exactly that one is.  But it showed ect highlighted, so I changed it to etc... hahaha