haha I been slacking off again. I will update it with my dinner on last Friday... hehe
Probably not to many people, but it was really the most expensive dinner I have been to so far. lol We went to John Howie Steak House on Friday night. We as in me, my manager, my manager's manager. lol and 3 other guys from another team. It was titled "Teambuild" lol..
So it all started back maybe a month or so. I got this email for requesting to put a new machine in our old lab. So I chatted with the guy ect ect and figured out it was all approved from the manager and the such already. So everything was just straight forward. They ordered their machine and all. And holy cow when I got their invoice about the machine they are going to get. I was awed. lol It's by far the most expensive machine we have in lab yet. Well... if we don't count those other couple huge things.. Then yes, this machine is the most expensive we have in lab. lol It netted 42k total or so. It includes 3 pieces. The server and two drive arrays. 42k!!!!!!!!!!! lol
But anyway, when the machine arrived, that was the first time I met those peeps from other team. So we were talking, and they asked me, what do you think about this machine? My first reaction was like.. "It's a DELL...." lol I am not much a fan of the DELL servers in lab. I think 95% of all servers are HPs now. And I have awesome services from HP. But not the DELLs, they are pretty lame. Anyhow, I helped them finished setting up like the next day. They were all happy and all. The guy was like, "Let us take you out for lunch or something next week as a thanks." I was like, "nah, it's okay." It's nothing really that difficult and all. lol
So early last week, my manager was like, "there's a meeting this Friday I want to to attend too." I was like, "oh? Okay. When and with who?" He was like, "around 1:30 or so and with the Xbox guys." I was like, "oh, lunch?" "yeah, how'd you know?" I was like, "they told me last week." lol (mr. nose picking guy is not part of the invitation :p) But then on Friday morning, my manager came and told me that they have changed the time to the evening. So lunch became dinner. And I asked him where we going to meet at? He was like, "John Howie" I have never been to there before. They opened it when the new Microsoft Office building opened over at Bravern. It's like a mall over there, kinda... It's like office building, then there are apartments next to that building or something like that. Like super expensive apartments.... LOL You can like buy huge house with the money of one apartment there... They have Louis Vuitton and other expensive stores around that "mall" like place lol ( I have like walked by it many times, but I have never gone in there lol... Totally can't afford anything in there...)
Oops, got side tracked. So yeah, dinner at John Howie's. lol if I was not with all of them, I would have taken some pics and stuff... But it was kinda weird if I did. LOL Anyway, dinner was good and real expensive. lol I actually went on their website and checked the menu during the day... I was talking to Johnny, "someone is taking us out for dinner tonight. What should I eat? The most expensive thing in the menu? or not that expensive?" lol Well, being Johnny, he was like, "Of course the most expensive thing, and then get some to go." I was like........ "you are crazy :p"
So dinner went through just fine, got out of there almost 9. lol Oh and I got 3 Xbox games from them... but I don't have an Xbox... Maybe I should ask them for an xbox 360 next time :p What do you think? lol They got the games for free appearently...
That's so cool you got xbox games for free!! You should totally ask for an xbox ;)
Did they pay for dinner? LOL! How much was it?
lol ya, they paid for it. That's why I wasn't sure what I want to order before, cause I'd feel bad if it costs too much. But then everyone pretty much order those things, so I just followed. hahaha
The one who was paying was next to me, so I peek at it. lol I guess it's not like SUPER expensive, but it def one of the most expensive dinner I have been to. It was like $680 for 6 of us, that doesn't include tip. lol
I know!!! They should give me an Xbox!!! lol
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